Friday, April 23, 2010

Not an ordinary wall....

My husband is stationed in Baumholder which happens to be one of Hitler's old training grounds. This is a closeup of one of the buildings that is currently being renovated.

Well, here it is a little closer....
Do you see it now?

I had heard that there was a swastika on one of the buildings, but I have to admit that I was looking for something more like this....
It took a couple of trips around the building and then my husband asking one of the German construction workers where it was located before we found it. I just assumed it would be painted on, but instead it is a little more permanent!


Pam said...

interesting little bit of history. I'm surprised someone hasn't covered it up by now.........

Jennifer said...

We were surprised it is still there too!

Andrea said...

Wow! You will have to share the building # with me!