Friday, July 23, 2010

A fun afternoon pick'n blueberries.......

We made some time for blueberry pick'n while we were still in Florida. We loaded up the kids and drove to the fields off of County Line Rd. The blueberries were delicious! No one could resist eating a few, well maybe more than a few, of the warm berries as we were picking!
We put Ian in the stroller so we could keep track of him
as we were all concentrating so hard on finding the BEST berries.
He found a way to get in on the action though.....
We should have went earlier in the day because it was HOT and HUMID by the time we arrived in the afternoon. Oh well, we still managed to pick a bucket of berries and the kids had a great time!


Pam said...

Yum! Love Ian picking from the stroller - what a hoot! (I've only been picking once and it was in a marsh - your spot looks much better!)

Laura lok said...

yummy i don't think many would have made it into the bucket if I went though.