Monday, July 6, 2009

Decorating with cigar wrappers???

That is just what a man in Volendam did in 1947 when he took up the hobby of using 11 million cigar wrappers to create collages throughout his house....walls, ceilings, and plenty of the things inside. This collection found a new home in 1995 inside the Volendams Museum. The collages were removed from his home and recreated in a special room dedicated to the artist. All of the murals were on cardboard covering the walls so they were easily removed.

We visited this museum on our bike ride day.

Here are some of the MANY murals that were in the artist's house (can't find his name). They were also on the ceiling. Sorry, the picture quality is horrible!! The lighting was very dim and the flash just made them come out even worse. I still thought they were worth sharing even though they don't do them justice at all!

Here is a close up of the Vatican in the picture above.

Close up of the hood on the stove.

Closer look at the boy in the corner.
The inspiration for this mural was from the most famous fountain in Brussels.
Check out the real one HERE.

The kids were giggling at this one!

The colors were really vibrant! It was amazing how he incorporated the different wrappers into these murals. Very artistic, although I think I'll pass on decorating our house with them!!

Remember those eel we ate??
Well here is proof that eel is a part of the Dutch culture:)

Jacque was admiring these fashionable hats!


Sharon said...

Wow! Serious talent!

Pam said...

That cigar wrapper artist is incredible! They look just like the mosaics in the Vatican! Who would have thought you could create something that beautiful from trash? (But who smoked all of those and maybe THAT contributed to our global warming situation? ;-))